Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My reincarnation matches A-G

I make no special claims to insight or training.  I feel for myself that reincarnation is a fact, through my experiences in this life.  I do not expect anyone else to accept that as fact.  There are a number of people working in this field at present, who use very different approaches.  Some use hypnotherapy and regression, so use their abilities to access the akashic records.  Some use mediumship.

Names pop into my head.  I do not claim to have special powers - it is possible that I am simply remembering a physical resemblence I am not aware of knowing.  But theses are links that I have not taken from other researchers, and have proposed for myself. 

If reincarnation is a real phenomenon, and I am right to link these people, I hope to learn from these links. 

GOUGH, Stephen

Stephen Gough, the naked rambler and James Nayler, Quaker.

Stephen Gough has been arrested many times for breaches of the peace, as he rambles naked in Scotland and England.  He has spent many years in prison, often in solitary confinement because of his insistence on being naked.  He is currently in prison for defying an anti-social behaviour order, for refusing to put on clothes after being ordered to do so by the court. 

James Nayler was a Quaker in the seventeenth century.  It was fairly easy to get arrested and thrown into prison if you were a Quaker at the time.  Many of the Quakers in my home town of Uxbridge were arrested simply for holding meetings for worship.  James Nayler did a number of things that caught the attention of his contemporary authorities, including riding into Bristol on a donkey, which they held to be a blasphemous act, parodying Christ's entry into Jerusalem.

Some early Quakers went naked, something which was mentioned in Nayler's writings but was edited out by editors who doctored his writings before publication.  Licia Kuenning, a modern editor of Nayler's works writes that George Whitehead in the 18th century, altered some of Nayler's words significantly:  "The most startling one that I have found occurs in the Woe Against Kendal (see pp. 211-12) where Nayler writes that "the Lord hath caused some of his servants to go naked along your streets in Kendal and Kirkby Stephen, as signs of his wrath to come," and Whitehead omits the word "naked." Whitehead's prudishness here - which obscures the meaning and purpose of the tract - is odd, as it was not a secret that some of the early Quakers had gone naked for a sign: George Fox had mentioned the practice sympathetically at least 4 times in his Journal, as well as in The Great Mystery and in his doctrinal writings, a collection of which had been published only ten years earlier with Whitehead's signature leading the list of endorsers."

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